Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Eight Random Facts

My seminary friend has “tagged” me with a post called 8 random facts about myself. Enjoy the break from Japanese culture, and take a glimpse into the missionary...

1. As my friend Lisa would say, “I don’t have the sense of direction God gave a toaster.” I have been known to say things like, “Turn left at the curvy road.” Anyone who has ever been in Dubuque (or any of the other river towns I have lived in) knows how utterly ridiculous this sentence is.

2. Much to my family’s amusement, I have trouble identifying even the most famous actors and actresses.

3. I stink at Trivial Pursuit. Sure, I can parse Hebrew and Latin verbs (and should still be able to fake my way through Greek), but, the longest-running television show? I have no idea (see number two again).

4. I love sumo wrestling.

5. I have used a squat toilet on a moving train.

6. For someone who grew up with computers in the classroom, even from elementary school, I am unnaturally technologically-confused.

7. My all-time favorite movie is The Princess Bride.

8. I have not yet eaten blowfish in Japan, but I have tried the horse sashimi.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your journey with us all. Here in Maquoketa, it helps us to get to know you a little bit better with every post. Keep them coming and may the Lord be with you!

Tara Ulrich said...

Thanks for playing. Its always fun to see what others come up with. Miss you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Heather!

So, are you going to try the blowfish before leaving Japan? It seems like that will be the last big thing to try. You've been to sumo wrestling, seen amazing temples and other places, and tried the horse delicacy. Although back in the States and enjoying it, I miss having overseas adventures.

Although, I have been to the Wizard of Oz Museum! I think that makes me an official Kansan now...plus I even have the license plate to prove it. Just need to get it on the car. :)

I attempted to get my driver's license earlier this week. Seeing as how the DOT was understaffed and the one and only worker was slamming doors in people's faces, I decided to try again later. She definitely wasn't a happy camper. Hopefully, all those teens lined up for driving exams came through unscathed.

Miss ya bunches but excited for you and all your adventures. May the earthquakes continue to be small. And I totally get those directions in an earlier email! Dubuque will do that to a person. :)


Anonymous said...

Heather: We still love you even though you are the WORST Trivial Pursuit player ever. Your ability to laugh at yourself and give us a laugh is fun. We will get the board set up again real soon.

Mom and Doug

leah said...

Hey, I came over her from Tara's blog and wanted to say, me too, on your #2--I've virtually no clue about any of them and only watch movies, etc., when absolutely forced to do so. Be Blessed!