Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Tokushima Sky

Sometimes I am depressed by the sky in Tokushima, those days when it is a single washed-out grey/white colour without depth or character. More often than anywhere I have experience, this flat dull sky hovers, mocking me, making me wish for the ever-changing mid-west sky.

But then, after a spectacular wind and lightening show, the clouds billow up above the mountains, allowing the mountain tops a chance to play hide-n-seek with the sky. The orange temple roof and nearby green of treetops are made even more vibrant against the black clouds. The colours are sharp and the sites are hazy in the mist and fog of a Tokushima storm.

Then I remind myself not to be too hard on Tokushima. The sky may take its time, but when it opens up, it is breathtakingly beautiful.

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