Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Basil Update

And for anyone following the progression of our basil (because, really, what could be more exciting than watching someone else's plants grow?), here is the latest development.

Our basil was quickly outgrowing its little salsa jar (yes, Japanese salsa. Don't worry, it was just tomatoes with a couple of onion pieces. Nothing to adversely affect our basil or trick it into thinking it is cilantro).

So, we were off the the 100 Yen Shop to buy a terra cotta pot. That's right. 100 yen for the pot and 100 yen for three plastic blue trays to go under the pot. That's a grand total of $2.50 for a very nice pot. Unfortunately, they do not sell terra cotta dishes for under the pots, but that's okay; the plastic tray keeps us from feeling too posh.

Ta da!

Now, how long will it be before I can make pesto?

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