A big thank you to David in Arkansas for fixing my picture of cherry blossoms (above). The picture is now much brighter and looks as beautiful as if it was still cherry blossom season. Thanks again for your computer handiwork!
And, a new addition today: a picture from Easter morning. The pastors and the two newly baptized members of Hoya Lutheran church (for the story of the "Biggest Little Baptism in Tokyo," see April 18). Thanks, Mom, for sending my alb. It looked good on Easter morning.
Thank you to everyone for reading and sending me all types of support -- even to the point of looking for the Scrambler in ND! (some friends would do anything!). I would be lost without my family and friends. "Adventures in Mission" is not only my my adventure in Japan, but your adventures, as well. From John 15:1-8. Jesus is the vine, and we (all of us!) are connected through him. "Abide in me, as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, neither can you unless you abide in me." Through this, God is glorified: that we bear much fruit (adventures!) and become Jesus' disciples (adventures in mission!).
You're right some friends would do anything! Miss ya!
You're the best thanks for my surpise package!
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