Thursday, March 28, 2013


Before life became crazy earlier this week, David and I spent Monday wandering around Debajima (Deba Island) with my boss and a UI student. The day was cool and grey, but not cold, and not raining. It was pleasant, although my photos are all a little colourless or blurry. Sigh. 

Debajima is a very small island - we walked across it and back in only a couple hours, and it is only accessible by boat. It is a very pretty place, and we had a great day.

The houses are still mostly old-fashioned style buildings. Above, is a fold-out bench which nestles up next to the door when not in use.

Also on the island is Ohike Pond, filled with algae from the Cretaceous period (about 140 million years ago). There are only four places in the world where this type of algae still grows.

 Art on the shore.

 I really love watching the water crash on the rocks.

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