Tuesday, March 05, 2013

What happened to February (and January)??

I didn't blog in January and February, but that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking about it. Throughout the month I cooked and well ... I just cooked and went to work. It was winter, after all, and I don't go out much in the winter (I love hibernation). However, I took a lot of photos. 

Here are the highlights of January: I made a lot of cake. Delicious cake, actually. My successes include:

A double chocolate layer cake for my boss' birthday.
It was very dense and fudge-like; I was quite pleased.

An apple pecan spice cake for the woman who 
brings us so many yummy vegetables.
It was good, but I am not a fan of cream cheese frosting, so I won't make it for myself.

And not just cake, but bread, too.
The first loaf from my new bread machine was well-documented.

Baking was going so well until then this happened ....

A spate of bread disasters began with this one.
But, as the good Sir Terry says, "There's always dwarf bread."

First was the above "no-yeast" Dwarf Bread.
Then the "I-forgot-to-put-the-paddle-in-the-machine" Half-Bread.
Then the "why-is-my-bread-liquid?" Not-At-All-A-Bread
(I still don't know what happened to that one - I remember measuring everything carefully)

I was so angry and frustrated that I don't have pictures of those delightful mishaps.

Instead, how about a few pictures of gratuitous chocolate?
I received a fondue pot for my birthday. I don't use it all that often, 
but it is quite a fun little gadget. 

And now, Happy March, everyone!

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