Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Virtual Tour of Our Apartment

First, come in. Be sure to leave your shoes at the door.

 Then, to your right is the All-Purpose Cupboard and the bathroom.

It seems rather self-explanatory which room is which.

Then come on in to the kitchen. We are currently making dinner for my boss. She’ll be here in an hour or so. 

There is very little counter space, but I had the same amount in Chicago before I purchased a small piece of counter at a garage sale. I can’t get far enough back to show you the whole kitchen unless I use the cell phone (that explains a lot about the quality of some of the photos!), but I want to draw your attention to the cupboards. They are roomy, which is very handy. Except I can’t reach above the bottom shelf, and that only barely. Good thing I brought a David along!

We recently exchanged our fridge for a larger one, but the freezer is still too small for our preferred method of storing food. The stools came with the apartment, but they’re a little tall for the counter. We now have a couple chairs. See below.

Follow me around the corner to the breakfast nook. Note the new chairs.

And the rest of the apartment. Ta-Da! We took up the futons because we were having company for dinner. But this is our living room, bedroom, dining room, study, library, rec room, parlour... 
you get the idea.

On the floor in front of the window is our basil. Hopefully we'll be able to transplant it into a pot soon. Look:

So, this is where we live. It is not large, except compared to our other options for apartments. And we’re getting used to it. I still wish I had a bedroom so I could throw things in it and close the door when company comes, but this way the apartment gets cleaned much more often!

And just so you know, there’s still plenty of room for guests, as long as you don’t mind sleeping on a futon, so please come visit!

1 comment:

jenturner76 said...

Very cute! Thanks for sharing.